In the News: France 2
Our project on French TV! National broadcaster France 2 introduced our project today in their program "Telematin". Wow! Merci beaucoup!
Top 25 Audiopedia.IO queries from the Philippines
Our mobile-friendly website Audiopedia.IO is still young, but it is already showing some nice results. We made a little case study by evaluating 6000 visits from the Philippines to the Filipino/Tagalog version of our Audiopedia during June 2017.
MP3 Is Not Dead - It Is Saving Lives In Africa
22 years ago, a German technology revolutionized a whole industry. MP3 changed the way we all listen to music forever. Today it seems as if its days are over as it has largely been replaced by other audio formats. Is MP3 dead? Far from it!
In the Press: La Repubblica
La Repubblica, a leading Italian newspaper, published very nice article about our project named "L’MP3 non è morto, in Africa serve a salvare milioni di vite" which translated into: "MP3 is not dead, in Africa it serves to save millions of lives".
Welcome to our new Office
We finally managed it - we moved into our new office! Now we are located in a little town in Germany: Annweiler-Gräfenhausen.
In the Media: TASS (Russia)
TASS is the largest Russian news agency and one of the largest news agencies worldwide, along with Reuters, the Associated Press (AP) and Agence France-Presse (AFP). They published an article about us as part of their Plus One project. +1 (Plus One) is a communication project that talks about leadership practices in the field of social and environmental responsibility.
Bringing Health Education to 3840 rural women in Tanzania
Our project in Tanzania is developing very nicely. Our local partner New Dawn Development is proceeding with the distribution of 500 MP3forLife Players to almost 4000 rural women. We are receiving very positive feedback from women and government officials.