In the Press: Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity
The Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity (KOFAC) published a nice article about our project in their online magazine "Science Times". KOFAC is a non-profit organization fully supported by the Korean Government through the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. Here is the first paragraph roughly translated to English:
We have joined the Stop Tuberculosis (TB) Partnership
We are pleased to have joined the Stop Tuberculosis (TB) Partnership. The Stop TB Partnership is leading the way to a world without tuberculosis (TB), a disease that is curable but still kills three people every minute. Founded in 2001, the Partnership's mission is to serve every person who is vulnerable to TB and ensure that high-quality diagnosis, treatment and care is available to all who need it.
Audiopedia recognized by World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)
Our project has been recognised by experts of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) as a successful model designed to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Health Innovation Exchange features Audiopedia
Audiopedia has been featured on the Health Innovation Exchange as an innovation in health that has the potential for a large-scale impact towards reaching the SDG3 targets and Universal Health Coverage (UHC).
Audiopedia Pitch at Hatch Demo Day in Geneva
Our Co-Founder Marcel Heyne pitched our project at Hatch Demo Day in Geneva. Hatch CoLab is the Geneva-based Acceleration Program for impact-driven organizations that are aiming to solve some of Humanity's Grand Challenges. Marcel took the stage to pitch and showcase our project and organization to an audience of 100+ Impact Investors, NGOs, UN Organisations, Foundations, Corporates, Associations and more.
We have joined the Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR)
We are pleased to announce that we are now a member of the Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR).
Health Education for Nomadic Populations in Central Africa
Using the Audiopedia approach we are able to provide health education even to remote and marginalized populations. Take for example the Aka. They are a nomadic Mbenga pygmy people living as hunter-gatherers in the dense rainforests of the Western Congo Basin in Central Africa. The Aka people are vulnerable individually and as a community. They are geographically isolated, illiterate, have no written language and no access to social services. So how can we make sure that they can acquire vital health knowledge?
Zalaan Foundation Brings Audiopedia to Afghanistan Using Qwifi
Afghanistan has one of the lowest literacy rates in the world - and this is especially true for women. Female literacy levels are on average 17%, with high variation, indicating a strong geographical and gender divide. Rates as low as 1.6% are found in two southern provinces of the country. Women continue to be the number one victims of the country’s 30 years of warfare.
Sunking Boom and Audiopedia - Let There be Light and Knowledge
Our Audiopedia Cloud opens up an infinity of possibilities to empower illiterate rural women using MP3 audio. The Sun King Boom portable solar lantern is a great device to use in combination with our contents since it features a nifty MP3 player.