Signup with Crowdin
Crowdin is the company that provides the translation platform. We, Audiopedia use the platform to enable collaborative translations. (Actually more than 16.000 companies use Crowdin, too). There are many translation projects on Crowdin, but there is only one by us, Audiopedia.
Sign Up with Crowdin
Once you joined the Audiopedia Translation project, you can provide translations by following these steps:
1. Select the language for which you want to contribute (or vote for) a translation (below the language you can see the progress of the translation).

2. You will now see a list with all topics. The blue bar shows the translation progress, the green bar the approving progress (can only be done by proof readers). Even if files have been translated, you can still choose them to correct or vote the translations that have been made before.

3. Once a topic is selected, all the strings (questions and answers) associated with the topic are displayed on the left side. The red square next to an English string shows that a string has not been translated yet.

To provide a translation, select a string on the left side, provide a translation in the target language in the text box in the right side and press the save button. As soon as a translation has been provided by another user (green square next to string), you can also vote on a translation provided by another user or provide an alternative translation. Just overwrite the current translation and press "Save". The translation with the most votes is used unless a different translation has been approved by a proof reader.
If you see a term with a dotted line in the English source text, you can hover over it to get a definition.
In some languages you can use the machine translation suggestions below the translation text box (where it says "Suggestions"). By clicking into the suggested text it automatically gets copied into the translation area.
Once a translation has been provided, a proof reader can approve the translation and mark it for use in Audiopedia. If you are interested in becoming a proof reader, please contact one of the project managers in the Audiopedia translation project.
If your language is not listed in the list of Audiopedia languages, please contact our project managers or send us an email so we can add your language.
Sign Up with Crowdin
Or, if you're still in doubt: read our FAQ.