• Women’s groups - a powerful alliance in health promotion and disease prevention

    When it comes to health promotion and disease prevention, developing countries face a challenging situation. Given the high level of illiteracy of their populations, the lack of infrastructure and trained manpower, interventions of all kind are hard to deliver. Even in countries where the majority of the population lives in rural areas, the available health resources are usually concentrated in the cities. Most developing countries also have difficulties with transport and communication, especially in rural and remote areas.

  • Why women's empowerment is crucial for sustainable development

    What would you consider the most significant parts to create a healthier planet and to help reverse climate change? Recycling of plastic waste? Increasing our reliance on sustainable energies? Reducing the impact of industrial agriculture? All well and good, but don’t miss one of the most important keys to effective change: women!


  • The Corona WhatsApp Audio Campaign

    The coronavirus affects all of our lives. But in the poorest countries it will be devastating. Especially for women and girls, who will be on the frontlines of the response.


  • Become a Volunteer Translator for Audiopedia

    This is the first time ever, that we can achieve to deliver essential knowledge to every rural woman on this planet. No matter what language she speaks or if she can read or write. This is made possible by technology - and by your valuable contribution as a volunteer translator. With your help we can translate basic health knowledge and life skills into languages they have never been translated before. And we can help rural women to live a healthier and happier life.

  • Using Audiopedia to Empower Rural Women in Nicaragua

    This February we kicked off our latest project in the Masaya region of Nicaragua. Our partner organization for this project is Pro Mujer, one of the largest women's organizations in Latin America. This non-profit organization offers women financial inclusion, health and education programs. Since its foundation in 1990, Pro Mujer has reached more than 2 million women in the region.

  • The Making of "Musele - The Diarrhea Song"

    "Musele - The Diarrhea Song" was recorded by French anthropologist Romain Duda as part of a project that is lead by the Order of Malta France with the goal to improve the health status of the Aka.


  • Audio Guided Support Groups to Improve Mental Health in Rwanda

    Mental health is the blind spot in the development cooperation. WHO studies indicate that mental and neurological disorders are the most common cause of diseases and disabilities worldwide. However, this topic is still completely neglected by the majority of aid projects in favour of other priorities. 

  • The Problem

    Without having access to even the simplest basic knowledge, facing their enormous day-to-day challenges is a losing game for women in rural areas in most developing countries. We can change that by simply providing them with vital information in an accessible way. Here are some examples showing how Audiopedia can help rural women live a life in health and dignity.


  • Audiopedia wins Digital Volunteering Award

    We are delighted that our project Audiopedia.org has been recognized with the digital volunteering award of state government of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The awards were granted for outstanding volunteering projects that are realized digitally or with digital support. We accepted the award at the 2nd Digital Forum in Mainz, Germany.